Duel for Kilimanjaro 1 Jan. 1966 – by Leonard Mosley


    DUEL FOR KILIMANJARO is the story of the fighting in German East Africa during World War I. In Arica men fought through territory inhabited by herds of elephants, rhino and giraffe…battles were halted so women and children could go home…German and British naval commanders courteously signalled each other before a shattering river battle.

    In Africa men were not cannon fodder, and victories could be won by a leader with daring and imagination. DUEL FOR KILIMANJARO is the story of that kind of war-and that kind of man.

    It tells of the impossible odds-11,000 German and native Askari troops against a British army of 200,000 men-and of the German commander, Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck, who made the odds meaningless.

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